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PT. Roland Golden Age (PT. RGA) prove its seriousness in capturing the Indonesian laboratory furniture market. BSD plant was initially established in 2005, and now PT. RGA inaugurated the new building expansion measuring ± 2000 sqm, located in Techno Park, BSD Tangerang on Saturday (15/6).

The inauguration ceremony was held directly at the plant site is located, and PT. RGA invited a few colleagues and business partners whom located in the Techno Park.

Arrived at the factory, the participants went directly to register and then walked towards the area of ​​the event. This semi formal event was hosted by the BSD team. Before the show started, the patrons may be seated at a table and the area that has been determined by the committee. The first agenda was to hear words of welcome from management, followed by lunch.

After lunch, the committee conduct prize draw conducted by the respective representatives of each department.

“With the construction of this new plant, PT. RGA prioritize quality, productivity, and continued cooperation between the related parties to the Indonesian domestic market “.

Success to PT. Roland Golden Age!

Both Team Workshop 1 Ciputat and Workshop 2 BSD